No matter where you search, there will always be articles trying to push the ‘perfect number’ of updates to share on social media platforms every day. Hootsuite suggests posting 1 to 2 times per day is the best strategy to grow your Facebook following faster. Buffer suggests a maximum of two posts per day before there is a drop-off in likes and comments per post. I suggest there is no magic number to suit everyone the same. Your social media strategy should be built around your target audiences’ wants and needs, not a number you pulled from a blog post.
Since the start of the pandemic, social media gurus have been preaching the concept of digital fatigue. Consumers are feeling overwhelmed with technology due to the number of devices and subscriptions managed [3]. While there is an increased amount of content being pushed over socials, there is also increased opportunity to engage with consumers. Rather than contributing to this ‘digital fatigue’, I suggest you see this as a chance to make your business stand out from the crowd by posting meaningful, personalised and engaging content. Quality over quantity. If you post less frequently, but with better quality you will get better results on Facebook
About the algorithm:
Get ready to make the Facebook algorithm your new best friend. No more fighting or hacking; in 2022, we are mastering the algorithm. To simplify, Facebook analyses the content you put out, scores it based on relevancy, then arranges it in descending, non-chronological order based on an individual’s interests [4]. This process occurs every time one of the 2.91 billion users refreshes their feed.
While there is no official in-depth guide as to how the algorithm works, we can be sure that there is a priority to keep people on the platform. For this reason, there needs to be a focus on quality content over quantity.
Facebook spokesperson, Adam Isserlis said,
The goal of the Meaningful Social Interactions ranking change is in the name: improve people’s experience by prioritising posts that inspire interactions, particularly conversations, between family and friends.
“We’re continuing to make changes consistent with this goal, like new tests to reduce political content on Facebook based on research and feedback.” [7].
It's time to stop pushing mediocre content to the algorithm, as it affects how your quality content performs.
The truth about frequency:
So, how frequently should you post to Facebook? I could give a magic number here based on our success with clients, but there is no saying whether that will work for everyone. You should post to social media every time (and only when) you have something that will bring value and engage your audience. If it doesn’t meet this criterion, it might be better to think twice as it will influence how your account interreacts with the algorithm.
Is your content loveable enough for your audience to stop and consume? If not, don’t publish. If your current strategy is not achieving results, force yourself to post less. Share only the best content and you will see the results. Quality posts will resonate more with your Facebook followers and the algorithm will push them out to individuals’ feeds.
This is particularly great news for small business owners and solo social media managers who are responsible for a variety of tasks, and often don’t have enough time to create, curate and post multiple times a day. Reduce the number of posts you are putting out and focus on the quality of the message rather than quantity of posts.
Tip: Use a social media post checklist!
Determine the quality of your content with our 5-step checklist.
- Is the message entertaining or educational?
- Is the voice correct?
- How many times have I already posted today?
- Is this content suitable for absolutely everyone?
- Does the post add value for the audience?
The key takeaway here is to always go for quality over quantity. If you are still struggling to master your social media strategy, reach out to the team at Integral to find out how we can transform your content delivery and grow your account.